Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Spectra Pipeline Public Hearing

The Spectra Pipeline has been proposed to transmit natural gas into Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York. .7 miles of pipeline are projected to go through Manhattan both on land, near Greenwich Village, and under the Hudson in sections. Citizens of New York showed their frustration about this project at the FERC public hearing.  This hearing was the last one that would be held about the issue. The meeting was expected to run from seven to ten o clock, giving all of the speakers 2 minutes each to speak. The speeches were passionate and most were grounded in legitimate facts. It was amazing to see how much effort the speakers put in to attaining information and writing persuasive speeches for this hearing. The citizens were worried about the explosion of this pipe, since this has already happened in other places where the pipeline exists. With such an explosion, drinking water would be polluted and a highly populated area would be destroyed. Some tried to appeal to the company representatives’ personal life, bringing up the effect it would have on the family’s children, while others listed facts about previous issues with the pipelines which are likely to happen here. The use of natural gas was also an issue, as some pointed out, it is not a clean burning fuel. The solution that was often recommended was to use the money for the pipeline towards renewable energy sources instead, bringing about a greater change. 

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