Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thank You Dutch West India Company

In this weeks reading, Dunwell explains the origins of the Dutch West India Company which was established in 1623 to " build the fortunes of colonial settlers and corporate investors." As a major trading outpost centered around the fur trade, Manhattan began it's life as a global hub for commerce. This spirit of entrepreneurship which began as privateering has exploded into the corporate New York City we all know today: Wall Street.
Something that is getting a lot of attention today is Occupy Wall Street. Around campus and in classes I have overheard and taken part in discussions on the topic and I constantly find myself asking, "How did this all get started? What is the origin of this movement?" Corporate greed, deregulation, an irresponsible population? There are possibly thousands of answers. Though hundreds of years have passed the spirit of Dutch commerce still remains not only in Wall Street but in greater New York. It was the foundation of this settlement in colonial times and still remains today.

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