Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dutch Food. Without the Horse Meat.

Finding authentic, traditional dutch cuisine in New York City isn't as easy as it seems.  Finding it at an affordable price seems even more difficult.  When doing some research, I came upon this article about Dutch food in the city and a restaurant whose owner claims is the first place to serve Dutch food since Stuyvesant's time.  The article mentions a type of meatball made of horse meat called "Bitterballen" that was supposedly served in Dutch colonies.  Dutch cuisine is a hybrid between German and Belgian foods, Indonesian spices and a touch of Baltic seafood, causing the menu at this restaurant "NL" to be "a little schizophrenic".  The article talks a bit about the food that's served here.  Although there is no Bitterballen in the menu,  it all sounds really interesting and I'd love to go check it out.  It's on the pricier side so maybe the next time my parent's are in town.

Here's the link to the article!

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