Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Beach 49 landfill

The other day I took a walk to the Beach 49 landfill.
The Beach 49th street landfill in Rockaway, NYC is one huge mess. It is neglected by the government. It is supposedly a "remediated" superfund site. It was opened in 1938. It rose 70 feet into the sky and occupied 178 acres of Jamaica Bay waterfront. It was the longest and oldest operating dump till its closure in 1991. When it was being cleaned 500,000 cubic yards of trash was removed. The site was capped & cleaned in 1997. Today it is a 253 acre park that can not be occupied till 2033. The cap has been compromised.  Debris is going back into the bay. Toxins have poisoned beautiful wetlands with chemical solvents  petroleum distillates, benzene, xylene, pcbs, dioxin (a principle agent used in agent orange in Vietnam). etc..It is a graveyard for boats, and yes, dead bodies.. There are hatches throughout the site that warn of "danger Explosive gas". The methane has nowhere to go. It belongs to the NYC Department of Sanitation.


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