Monday, October 3, 2011

Hudson Riverkeepers

For this blog post I watched a documentary called "The Hudson Riverkeepers".  I found it pretty interesting because it tells the story of the Hudson clean up through fishermen.  A group of fishermen took on the name of Riverkeepers because they pride themselves on protecting the Hudson from pollution, illegal dumping, etc.  Any citizen can report these acts and take them to court, which is what the Riverkeepers do.  The film was made in 1997 so it's a little dated but still worth while.  It talks a lot about some of the types of fish that are found in the river and goes into some detail about the issue of the plant at Storm King.  The fishermen and Riverkeepers in the film also talk about the plant at Indian Point and how they can get away with killing tons of fish a day.  Bobby Kennedy Jr. is in it, so that's fun.  A lot of the material in the film we've gone over in class but it's pretty fascinating to hear about it from people who have made a living off the river.

You can watch it online for free, here's the link!

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