Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Luminism is an American style of landscape painting.
Most popular from the 1850's through the 1870's.

 Painting in this style is meant to depict calm, tranquil, reflective waters. It is an offshoot of the Hudson River School. One of the luminists, James Augustus Suydam, has interested me. He was not an artist all his life. He started off as a businessman.

This one, called, "Sunset in the Hudson Highlands" is currently for sale. Sadly, it is way beyond the limits of my purchasing power. However, it makes a great gift ;)
Hawthorne Fine Art, LLC
74 East 79th Street, Suite 3A-B
New York, New York 10021
Phone: 212.731.0550
Email: info@hawthornefineart.com

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