Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Raccoon stand-off

 It was around two in the morning when I turned up my street heading home. Trash day was the next day, and the street was decorated with endless piles of garbage bags, the aroma of which was not pleasing to me even in such a groggy state. In the distance, out of a garbage pile, a four-legged thing leapt out. At first I thought nothing of it, figured it was just one of the many 19th st. cats that roam the block. I kept moving, heavy-footed, but the creature wouldn’t budge, its green glowing eyes fixed right on me. As I got closer I noticed it was much fatter than any cat, and saw a long, fluffy tail pointed straight – RACCOON! I stopped there, caught right in those bright green beams. I didn’t move, he didn’t move – for about 30 seconds. Did it just hiss at me? (at least I thought it did, could’ve been making that up though). I couldn’t tell if the bastard was frothing at the mouth, but I wasn’t going to take my chances. It slinked away eventually, so I kept moving, slowly, cautiously.


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