Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ian Garcia's super quest!!!!!

This is a view of the Bronx River from a bridge.  This walk through the park was super cool!  But I kept getting attacked by bugs so alot of my pictures are rushed because I'm fighting something off of me.  But I loved it despite the swarms of insects, it's a cool way to get from one end to the other.
This is sand that seemed to come out of nowhere.  I think it's from when the river overflowed after the hurricane and this was the new bottom of the river.  Plants were also covered in sand from the river so this was really deep.  The park is still healing from the hurricane and it shows.  I think most of the mosquitoes were probably born in deep still puddles that peppered the park.

This photo was taken from underneath a highway.  After reading the park's idea for restoration, I thought it would be hard to get this river clean with a highway right above.  The amount of garbage in this river is saddening but the Bronx is a really weird place.  For example, after I walked down here there was a fire pit and someone walked away from the lit fire, not even thinking to put it out.  That's a regular day here.  I got a video of it but the pictures took long enough to upload.  The speed of the current here was crazy too, watching the garbage zoom by like cars on a freeway felt very unnatural and alienating

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